MIG Construction Services, LLC

MIG Construction Services

In existence since 2007, MIG Construction Services has quickly grown to become a leader in steel fabrication solutions in West Tennessee.

MIG Construction Services began as a fabrication service to the larger family of MIG companies with 1,200 employees at 6 locations in the state.

MIG Construction Services has 3 locations in Tennessee to better serve your needs:

  • Lexington Plant - 228 Rush Street
  • Memphis Office - 119 South Main, Suite 500
  • Nashville Office - 22 Century Blvd, Suite 550

Since entering the industrial, commercial, and medical construction markets, MIG Construction Services has successfully completed projects ranging from large miscellaneous to heavy structural.

As a certified fabricator by the American Institute of Steel Construction, MIG strives to provide steel fabrication “solutions” to the construction industry. By that, we mean going beyond simply furnishing materials for division 5. On each project, we strive to become an integrated player in the success of a project by anticipating problems and coordinating solutions for the good of the entire project.

Contstruction Plant

Contstruction Plant

Featured Projects:

  • Meharry College Turner Family Center - $2.1 million/Messer
  • Memphis-Shelby County Airport Parking Garage Expansion - $2.9 million/Flintco
  • Woodland Shelby Farms Park - $1.9 million/Flintco
  • Beale Street Landing Phase IV - $1.7 million/Webb Builders
  • Nashville Music City Center Stair Package - $2 million/Clark/Bell
  • TDOT Shelby County I-40 Bridge - $4.5 million/Hill Brothers